Jessa Thomas is a 17-year-old, first-generation cowgirl from Kittitas County, Washington. She is the reigning Miss Teen Rodeo Washington 2024. Her journey began in a yellow velour tracksuit at a pumpkin patch on a pony at age 2. Her love for animals would continue to grow from that point on. At age 5 her family would purchase their first horses and she would spend countless hours working at the barn learning everything she could about horse care and horsemanship. It was there she trained to compete in cutting and sorting.
Jessa is an advocate for the equine world, dedicated to demonstrating the power of the horse-human connection. Through her family's Winney Wellness organization, they bring ponies to events such as schools, retirement homes and more, allowing individuals to experience the bond and joy of equines. Her passion for the animals, as well as the rodeo culture, has driven her to become an active supporter of Rodeo, Grange, FFA, and 4H. Seeing the smiles and amazement on people's faces when they interact with animals is what keeps her motivated to continue her work. Jessa is determined to keep spreading the joy of horses and rodeo to as many people as possible.
Outside of rodeo Jessa lives at home on Windswept Farms where she raises miniature Herefords. Jessa is a true believer in the power of hard work and is determined to make the most of every opportunity she has. She is passionate about horseback riding and loves to trail ride. Her natural ability to care for animals has allowed her to look after the livestock on the farm. She hopes to continue her education to reach her goal of becoming a veterinarian. Helping ensure that animal athletes remain healthy, happy, and able to participate in their sport. Jessa, the first African American state title holder, is passionate about providing greater representation for the many different demographics in our great state. Through her platform “Be YOU-tiful”, she is determined to inspire people to be proud of who they are and to embrace their uniqueness. Jessa encourages everyone to find their purpose and to Be YOU-tiful. Jessa believes that everyone should have the chance to experience the feeling of standing in an arena surrounded by a patriotic community, coming together to pray, to cheer and to laugh. Follow Jessa's journey @missteenrodeowashington